
Music from the hearts of space
Music from the hearts of space

music from the hearts of space

It was created in 2005, and again all sounds are completely custom sound-design employing mirco-tonality, spectral constructs, and image-based compositions created with MetaSynth. The Wayfarer Prana piece imagines the universe itself as a single life-force with its own breath and rhythm. Prana is the Sanskrit word for life-force or breath in yoga, Oriental medicine, and martial arts, the term refers to a cosmic energy connecting all elements of the universe, responsible for a body's life, heat, and well being. This gives the sense that there are some form of organizational principals at work, but they are foreign to us, much like an alien life-form, or the universe itself.

music from the hearts of space

Custom spectral and harmonic tunings are used to create various aural sculptures that follow this framework while adding significant intrigue and a sense of some form of intelligent design that is just out of reach of our familiar perceptual experiences.

music from the hearts of space

Its macroscopic structure follows a poly-rhythmic construction of repeating sections of uneven period lengths which shift in and out of phase with one another to create an evolving minimalist fugue-like effect. Harmonically it is based around a Just Intonation version of an ancient pentatonic scale from Chinese mythology ascribed to Ling Lun. Galileo was composed and produced using field recordings and entirely custom sound-design created with UI Software's MetaSynth. The Wayfarer Galileo piece likewise takes us on an imaginary journey of discovery through new and unimagined reaches of deep space, some of which quite alien, others strangely familiar. Galileo was an unmanned NASA spacecraft named after the astronomer Galileo Galilei and launched ten years earlier on October 18, 1989, which studied the planet Jupiter and its moons, as well as several other solar system bodies. The origins of Whitespace go back to 1999 with the start of the Galileo peice. To borrow words from Stephen Hill, founder of Hearts Of Space, this is "slow music for fast times". The atmospheric, mood-inducing soundscapes of Whitespace make a perfect compliment to mediation, relaxation, deep concentration, lucid dreaming, quiet introspection, various spiritual practices, star gazing, and various other formative life experiences. This two hour sonic odyssey is a collection of thematic and textural ambient deep cruisers that are certain to be the impetus of a myriad forms of outward journeys and inward discoveries. "Whitespace" is the first of the Wayfarer series.

Music from the hearts of space